Antares AutoTune Pro 11 is pitch correction software. It offers both automatic and manual methods. Antares is well known for making some good-quality pitch correction software.
Since the technique of autotuning has developed, the way of singing has been completely changed. Antares has released a complete series of autotuning software. Their latest version of autotune 11.

So, in this blog post, I will discuss the following topics about this plugin.
- Key features
- What’s new
- Comparison with the Autotune Pro x
- Technical information and system requirements
- Review
- Conclusion
Key Features:
- This pitch correction plugin offers a harmony player that allows you to create harmonies for your vocals.
- It offers manual tuning via graph mode and automatic tuning via automatic mode.
- It also allows the user to switch between the quickly different tracks in which this plugin is opened within a single window.
- This plugin has a different pitch processing technique from the previous versions.
- The use of the common scales is not restricted. You can also create your own scales in this plugin, which lets the user choose which note to include in his scale and which note to exclude.
- This pitch correction plugin has two modes: classic and modern. The modern mode corrects the pitch and the format, while the classic mode corrects the pitch.
- This plugin’s built-in harmony player lets users create four harmonies at a time. You can also change each harmony voice’s pitch, panning format, volume, etc.
- This plugin has two themes. One of them is dark, and the other is bright.
What’s new in this plugin:
Now, let’s discuss what new features are added in this version of St. The following new features are added in this new version.
- A Harmony player
- New Menu
- Midi Hardware Integration
Let’s explain these updates in detail.
Harmony Player:
This update includes a new harmony player. This player allows the user to create harmonies of up to 4 voices within the plugin instead of opening a new one. This feature may save the user time.
Here is a picture of this harmony player.
This harmony player has four harmony engines. It also allows the user to change the voice format. This harmony player actually takes up the original signal, which the user gives it for pitch correction, and applies different effects to make them unique.
You can also change the panning of each harmonized voice. As you can see in the picture, there is also a headphone icon in each harmony generate section.
When the user clicks on that icon, the plugin outputs the solo voice of only that section. It mutes the other sections and the main sound, for which the plugin is just applying the pitch correction, not any other effect.
In this way, the user can precisely edit with any conflicts.
You can also change the volume of each voice with the help of a knob called level. On top of each mini-player, the user can select the pitch options, such as pitching up or down, to create different harmonies.
It is important to remember that when you make harmonies with this plugin, then the traditional pitch correction is also applied to each voice. You can also choose the pitch variation for all these harmonies sound with the help of a knob called variation.
Finally, a button called trigger is located at the bottom of the player. This trigger button is actually the on and off button. When it is on, it means the harmony engine is working, or vice versa.
New Menu:
A minor update—a new menu—has been added to Antares Autotune Pro 11. This menu is located in the top right corner of the plugin, just above the section where the user selects the input types of his voice.
This new menu allows the user to open the other instant of plugins in one go instead of closing one autotune plugin, going to the other audio track, and then opening the other plugin for tweaking.
Suppose your project has four audio tracks, each opening the plugin for pitch correction. The first track is called the vocal track, and the fourth is called the guitar track. Let’s say you have configured the plugin’s setting for the vocal track and now want to configure the plugin’s setting for the guitar track.
Before this update, the user had to go to the track to open the respective plugin for configuration. But now, in this update, the user can open the plugin of any track with just one plugin opened on the screen. Now, the user has to go to the new menu in the top right corner, and then the plugin will give you a list of tracks at which it is opened.
The user selects the track name instead of actually going to that track for plugin configuration.
Midi Hardware Integration:
Now, users can also integrate the most important knob of the plugin with the midi controller. This allows the user to move the knobs of the plugin with the midi hardware even when the plugin is not opened on the screen.
Comparison with the Autotune Pro x:
Features | Auto-Tune Pro 11 | Auto-Tune Pro 10 |
Key Difference | It includes the harmony player | It does not have any harmony player |
Apple Silicon | It has the Apple Silicon Support in it | It has the enhanced manual mode |
Manual Mode | It has an enhanced manual mode, providing flexible zooming, navigation, and keyboard shortcuts, making manual pitch correction more efficient. | It has an enhanced manual mode |
MIDI Hardware Mapping | It has an enhanced manual mode | It does have the MIDI Hardware Mapping. |
Size on disc | Its size on the disc after installation is 174 MB | Its size after installation is 84.4 MB |
Additional Effects | It provides additional effects such as stereo widening, applying the EQ, etc | It has MIDI Hardware Mapping that allows the user to integrate the plugins knobs with the midi controllers |
Technical Information and System Requirements:
- Antares – Auto-Tune Pro 11 VST3, AU x64 [07/29/2024]
- Original Publisher: Antares
- Version: 11
- Format: AU, VST3
- Category: VST Plugins
- Require: macOS 11+
- Size on disc: 174 MB
I am sharing my thoughts about this plugin. I didn’t get paid or get anything free to write this. I want to help people who might be interested in using it. Everyone likes different things, so what I think might differ from what you think. This is just my opinion.
In this section of the article, I will share my review of the new updates to this version of the plugin. First, let’s talk about the Harmony player.
This update has added a new harmony player that lets users make harmonies up to four voices. Now, the question arises: Is it beneficial for the user? I’ve been using this pitch correction plugin for a couple of years, and when I used this new updated version of the plugin, I found that the harmony player is quite limited. It does not have all the options that the Antares harmony engine has.
So, adding this player to the plugin is just an eye-catching technique, nothing else. We customize the sound while creating the harmonies, which this player does have.
So, I would like to open another harmony generator plugin to create harmonies. This would give me greater control over my sound.
The next update is the addition of a new menu. Yes, I found this update useful as it saves time going to each audio track and opening the separate plugin for tweaking. This menu allows the user to open one plugin on the screen and then choose the audio track, upon which the same autotune VST is opened for tweaking. This is a really time-saving update.
Next up, we have the midi integration. This update is also beneficial for live performance.
- Antares Autotune Pro 11 is a pitch correction plugin with advanced controls.
- In this update, Antares has added a new harmony player, new menus, and MIDI integration to the plugin.
- The new harmony player lets the user create harmonies up 4 voices, but this player has limited customizations as compared to any harmony plugin
- The new menus of this plugin let the user open new instances of plugins in one plugin instead of manually opening them.