Dada Life Sausage Fattener

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The Dada Life Plugins bundle includes four VSTs designed for sound design, the sausage fattener, Endless Smile, and some other plugins.

dada life plugins bundle

These plugins are designed to ease the complex tasks of sound design for music producers, sound designers, and seasoned producers. They can actually save time. This plugin bundle was designed by a Swedish electronic music duo called Dada Life.

This plugin bundle is for those who want to add a certain character to their sound without performing complex sound design tasks. It can be used to add creativity and uniqueness to the tracks.

In this article, there will be a complete discussion on this plugin, which will include the following topics.

  1. Key Features of this Dada Life Sausage Fattener.
  2. A detailed overview of each plugin is included in this bundle.
  3. Uses and application of this bundle.
  4. Technical information and system requirements.
  5. Comparison with the other plugins.
  6. FAQs.
  7. Review.
  8. Conclusion.

So, without further ado, let’s start.

Key Features:

  • Dada Life Sausage Fattener has a user-friendly interface. It has three knobs named color, gain, and fatness.
  • This plugin has three knobs, and that is why it is easy to use for professionals and beginners, just as the waves one knob series plugins.
  • This plugin is popular for sound design since it adds weight and character to sounds.
  • These VST plugins perform complex tasks at the backend, but it allows the user to control these complex tasks with the help of a few knobs that are available at its interface. So, in this way, this plugin should be CPU-consuming, but it’s not. Though these plugins perform a series of complex tasks behind the screen, it is also CPU-friendly. You can also use it in studios and live performances.
  • All the plugins included in this Dada Life plugin bundle are compatible with all the DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) across macOS and Windows.

Detailed Overview:

This plugin is very simple. This section of the article will explain it completely.

Dada Life Sausage Fattener:

It is a VST plugin that adds saturation to the input signal. It can add soft saturation to hard, crunchy distortion. This plugin can also add punch and certain analog characters to the sound.

This plugin can be used to add a certain analog character to drums, synths, vocals, or even entire mixes. It can be applied on a single channel and is also suitable for Lo Fi music production.

 picture of Sausage Fattener VST

How does Dada Life Sausage Fattener work?

Now let’s describe the working mechanism of this plugin. This plugin has three knobs that are listed below, along with their functions. By reading the explanation of each knob of this plugin, you can know how this plugin works.

  • Fatness.
  • Color.
  • Gain.

Fatness Knob:

The fatness knob of this VST software is concerned with the amount of saturation/distortion to be applied to the input signal. The smaller value of this knob means the plugin is adding soft saturation to the sound. If the user selects the high value of this knob, then the plugin algorithms change, and ultimately, the soft saturation is altered to the hard, dirty, and crunchy distortion.

 Picture of Sausage Fattener VST fatness knob

The fatness knob also compression to the sound. The low value of this knob means soft compression is being to the sound or vice versa.

Color Knob:

The color knob of Dada life Sausage Fattener is concerned with the tonality of the saturation/distortion of the being applied through this plugin. The value of this knob can be changed from 0 to 100. The lower value of this knob means the applied saturation is bright in tone. (Bright means the saturation is applied to the high frequencies of the sound)

 picture of Sausage Fattener color knob

The higher value of this knob means the applied saturation is dark in tonality. (“Dark” refers to a situation where the saturation is applied to the low frequencies of the sound.)

Gain Knob:

The gain knob is to set the overall level of the output of the plugin. Sometimes adding saturation/distortion to the sound can increase the overall perceived loudness. So, with the help of this gain knob, the user can manage plugin output.

picture of the gain knob of the plugin

Technical Information and System Requirements

  • Format: This software is available in the format of VST, AU, AAX
  • Platforms: It is compatible with the macOS and Windows
  • CPU: To run this software on your operating system, you need an Intel Core i3 or higher.
  • RAM: You should have 4 GB of RAM for this plugin to run smoothly
  • DAW Compatibility: It works with all major DAWs, such as FL Studio, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Cubase, and Pro Tools.

Uses and Applications:

Fattening Drums and Percussions:

Drums and percussions can be made more impactful by applying saturation on them. In this way, they can be more upfront. So this plugin can also be used for this purpose.

Basslines and Sub-Bass:

One of the major problems seen by beginners is that the low end is not audible in the small speakers. This plugin is also suitable to tackle this problem. It adds nice harmonics to the low end and can make it audible in the small speakers.

On the other hand, it also makes the sub-bass and bars punchier and cut through the mix.

Character to Synths and Pads:

Synths and pads are an important part of a song. They make the song sound full. Sometimes these pads and synths sound things. That could be a serious problem. So this plugin can play a vital in adding the analog feel and character to these synths and pads.

This plugin can add add warmth, body, and a bit of grit to these pads and synths making them engaging and vibrant in a mix.

Comparison with the Saturation Knob Plugin:

In this section, there will be a comprehensive comparison of this plugin with another called Saturation Knob. Both plugins offer the same functions.

Features Sausage FattenerSaturation Knob
DeveloperThis plugin was developed by Dada Life. This company is artist oriented. This company is more famous for making the experimental plugins.This one is developed by the Softube Company. This company is technology oriented. The Softube is famous for producing analog emulations
Type and Sound CharacteristicsIt is saturaion/distorion plugin. This plugin is designed to add colour and can create heavier distortion.It is only a saturation plugin. It can provide the distortion. This plugin is designed to give only the analog flavour to the mix.
Saturation ModesThis plugin has no specific saturation mode. There is a fatness knob in this plugin which add saturation. The Low value of this knob adds saturation and the high value of this knob adds distortion.It offers three saturation modes. These three modes are named as Keep High, Neutral, Keep Low
User Interface (UI)It has a simple user friendly interface. This plugin has three knobs on its interface and iconic emoji. It offers a modern interface.This plugin includes only one knob on its interface. It offers a classic interface.
UsesIt adds heavy distortion so it is suitable for sound design.It can be used to give only an analog feel to the sound


Is this plugin 64-bit?

This is the saturation plugin. It supports the 64-bit and also the 32-bit versions. It is also compatible with the DAWs that support VST or AU plugins. The older DAWs are operated in the form of 32 bit and modern ones are in f 64 bit. This plugin is compatible with both ones.

Will the Sausage Fastener Plugin work on FL Studio 12?

Yes, this plugin will work on fl 12. FL Studio supports both the 32-bit and 64-bit plugins. In this way, this plugin is also compatible with both versions. Though the latest version of the FL is FL Studio 24 (supports the 32 and 64-bit VSTs)

In short, this plugin should run smoothly on fl 12 without any issues. If you are facing any problems, you should consider visiting the official website of the plugin for support.

How to install this plugin?

To install this plugin on your operating system, you take the following steps.

  • First, download the correct version (32-bit or 64-bit) of this plugin from the official site.
  • Extract the downloaded files.
  • Double-click on the installer to start the installation. Select the VST or AU plugin folder during the installation process.
  • Choose the installation path where your DAWs should have access to scanning the newly installed plugin. This path is usually ; Program Files > VSTPlugins for Windows or Library > Audio > Plug-Ins > VST/AU for macOS).
  • After finishing the installation, open your DAW. If your DAW is not set to automatic scan for the new plugin, then you should do a manual scan.
  • Once the scanning is complete, then search the plugin name in the list of available plugins.
  • Activate the plugin via the license key provided by the developers or use it on a trial basis. This is how you can install this plugin in your operating system.


This review reflects my personal opinion and experience with the plugin. I have purchased the plugin myself and have no affiliation with the company. I have not received any compensation or free products for this review. My opinions are entirely my own, and they may differ from yours. The content of this review is intended to provide information and assistance to potential users.

I used this plugin and here is my honest review in the form of pros and cons.

First of all, let me list the pros of this plugin.


  • Most of the beginners don’t show interest in complex plugins. The good thing I found about this plugin is its interface. Its interface is user-friendly as it has only three knobs. This feature makes it suitable for beginners and also the advanced users. For the advanced user, it is a saver plugin. All they have to do is they have to tweak a few parameters to get the desired sound For beginners, this plugin is easy to understand. So they can get results without diving into the complexities.
  • The next thing which I liked about this plugin is its sound quality. This plugin gives good-quality of saturation and distortion to the sound. The colour knob adds brightness and the fatness knob adds saturation to the sound. In this way, this plugin can play a vital role in upgrading the quality of the mix.
  • This plugin is also very CPU-friendly. It exerts a low load on the CPU. In this way, a user can run multiple instances of this plugin in a single project.
  • The design and name of this plugin are also humorous to add a touch of fun to the production process.
  • In my experience when this Dada Life plugin is applied on sub basses then it arouses the harmonics of the sub bass and makes it audible on the small speakers. So this trick can help in uplifting the low end of the track.


  • Though the simplicity of the plugin is also a plus point it can be a problem for those producers or mixing and mastering engineers who are looking for detailed tweaking to get a precisely designed sound. This plugin doesn’t provide detailed controls such as selection of type of saturation, attack, decay etc. In short, this plugin provides limited controls.
  • In this plugin, there is a thin line between over-saturation and suitable saturation. Users using this plugin should have trained ears to handle the amount of saturation. Other he may end up with a muddy mix without knowing the actual reason.
  • This plugin doesn’t come with the inbuilt presets.
  • The plugin has lame visual feedback in the form of a cartoon picture which is automated with the amount of saturation which the user applies by turning on the fatness knob. When the saturation amount is low the cartonic picture looks smiling and when more saturation is applied the cationic picture makes its face aggressive. This type of visual feedback is made for fun but it doesn’t help the user to recognize anything. There should a visual feedback int the form of a frequency spectrum or any other parameter which should provide some value to the user.


  • The Dada Life Sausage Fattener is a saturation plugin. It is also used to add distortion to the sound.
  • It is easy to use for beginners and a time saver for professional users.
  • This plugin has limited controls for saturation.
  • It has also lame feedback in the form of automated cartoon pictures instead of a frequency visual analyzer.
  • It can be used for EDM, Future bass and other genera which are heavily dependent on the frequency content.

About William Bruce

Welcome to I'm William Bruce, a music producer, game, and film scorer. I have 15 years of experience in the industry. My passion for music and audio technology has driven me to create and share the latest news, reviews, and insights on the most cutting-edge music production plugins and software. I spent the major part of my life in creating songs, scoring films, and composing for games. My journey in the music industry has equipped me with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which I bring to every article on this site. I'm here to provide you with the most up-to-date information and expert guidance on the software shaping the music industry today. My goal is to help you make informed decisions by sharing honest reviews and comparisons, all based on my personal experience and commitment to transparency. I have no affiliations nor i receive any money from the companies whose products we review. My only aim is to inform and help producers community so that they can make informed decisions.

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