Plugin Alliance – bx boom V3 for WiN

The bx Boom vst by the plugin Alliance is software designed to process a song’s kick and bass elements. Mixing the bass elements can be very difficult.

This plugin adds punch, presence, and excitement to the low end. The main good thing about this plugin is its interface, which is very simple and user-friendly. This tool can be valuable for those looking to refine the low frequencies of the audio. It can also be a solution for the weak kicks.

Overview of bx_boom:

This tool mainly focuses on the kick drum. This plugin allows users to boost or attenuate the impact of kick drums according to their requirements. This can be useful in mixing and mastering. Besides affecting the kick drum impact, it can also be used as a tone shaper.

Now, let’s discuss various parameters of this tool.

Frequency Knob:

First of all, the critical control of this plugin is based on selecting the frequency range of the audio upon which the plugin should work. The frequency range is selected by the knob named as frequency.

There are also three modes related to the frequency range selection: simple mode, fine mode, and notes mode.

The user can select the low, mid, and high-frequency settings in simple mode. The Low setting targets 32 hertz, ideal for deep bass boosts.

The mid-frequency settings target 48 Hertz, which is good for a balanced boost for most kick drums. The high-frequency settings target 64 Hertz. Adding presence to the bass sound can be healthy, but it can also overlap with the bass guitar.

Frequency selection knob of the bx boom plugin

Next, we have the fine mode. In the previous mode, the user could only select a fixed frequency for boosting or taming. But in the fine mode, the user can randomly choose a frequency between 32 Hz and 128 Hz.

The last, fine mode, lets the user select the frequency based on the notes. This mode enables the user to select the frequency range from C1 to C2.

Tone Control:

After the targeted frequency range is selected, the next portion of the plugin is the tone control. This section has two modes: classic and modern.

The classic mode is designed to give the drums an analog feel, while the modern mode boosts the bass without adding any analog texture.

tone selection segement of the plugin

Drive and Output Knob:

At the last, we have the drive and output knob. The function of these two knobs is clear by their names. The drive knob manages the knob of the amount of odd harmonics and the saturation being applied to the drum sound.

Lastly, the output level of the sound given by the plugin is adjusted by the output knob.

drive and output knob of the bx boom plugin.

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