Vertigo VSS-2 is a channel strip plugin developed by the Plugin Alliance. This channel strip includes different analog processing algorithms into a single piece of software.
This plugin contains VCA compressor whose processing algorithm is emulated upon the vca2 and vsc3, tube saturation emulated upon the VSM 3. In this way user can make their clean recording more analog.
Different elements in the channel strip
It has a filter module consisting of a low-pass filter down to 500 Hz. The user can also choose the 12 dB or 6 dB slope.
In the filter section, there is also a high-pass filter that goes up to 500 Hz. Again, there is also the option to choose the 12 dB or 6 dB slope.
At the bottom of the filter section, there is also a bypass switch. By turning this switch on the the filter section will be out of function from the rest of the plugin.
Discrete VCA Compresser:
The discrete VCA Compressor provides clean compression which is suitable for dialogues, podcasts, voiceovers, drums, and also for full mixes. This compressor consists of the following elements.
- Threshold: Controls the level of the audio at which the gain reduction should be applied.
- Attack: Manages how quickly the gain reduction is applied when the audio level exceeds the threshold level. A faster attack means the audio will depress quickly or vice versa.
- Release: How quickly the gain reduction stops being applied when the audio level comes down the threshold level. Auto release is also present which automatically sets the release time based on the nature of the audio.
- Ratio: How intense the gain reduction will be applied when the audio level exceeds the threshold level.
- Gain: Help to compensate for the gain reduction.
- Sidechain filter: Bypass the signal entering the sides of the compressor and in this way plugin ignores the transients below 90 or 120 Hz. This option is useful when the low end of the sound is much longer which makes the compressor stay longer.