How to use Waves Clarity VX Pro and Clarity VX

Introduction :

As I announced some days ago, I will start a new series on my site where I will tell you how to use any music production plugin and share tips and tricks about that plugin. In this series, I will discuss each and every plugin currently available in the market and give you some tips and tricks. Now I am going to discuss the Waves 15 plugin bundle.

What am I going to discuss about Waves Plugins?

In this blog, I will discuss how to use waves clarity VX. I will also discuss the difference between these two waves plugins. This blog will teach you about the different techniques for using these plugins. I will also tell you what elements these waves plugins should apply. I will briefly talk about each and every knob of the waves clarity VX Pro. Sit back and relax, and now let’s dive deep into the clarity VX by Waves 15 plugin bundle.

Basics of Waves Clarity VX :

Let me tell you the basics of the clarity vx plugin by Waves.

  • The waves clarity VX is the plugin that cleans up the surrounding noise from audio.
  • The clarity VX is supported by Artificial intelligence, which helps this plugin to differentiate between the desired sound and noise.
  • The main good thing about this plugin is that it does not harm the original vocals as much as possible. On the other hand, several plugins claim such features, but they seem worthless because they cause a loss of actual vocal quality.
  • This plugin is easy to use as it offers simple controls. Its main function is done by only one knob. There are also some other controls, which I will discuss later in the blog.
  • This plugin can remove hiss, hum, room noise and other ambience sounds.

Details of the Clarity VX :

Now let’s discuss the details of the plugins. First, let me put a picture of the plugin. Now you have to look at the picture carefully. This way, the things I describe in the article could be understandable. Here is the visual representation of the Waves clarity plugin.

-clarity vx Plugin

This Clarity VX is the simple version, and waves Clarity VX pro is the advanced version plugin, but both have to clean noise from the sound. The pro version has some additional features I will discuss later in the blog. For now, let’s discuss its basic version.

Main Reduction Knob :

There is a main reduction of the pink color in the middle of the plugin. This knob controls the main effect of the plugin, which is noise suppression. After setting the other setting, the user has to turn this knob from left to right to reduce the noise. The more it turned to the right, the more noise reduction will occur.

Neural Network Option :

As we mentioned above, clarity VX is an AI-supported plugin. The AI comes with the neural network option of this Waves plugin. AI needs training to perform the task. It is usually trained by giving various examples or cases to learn from. In the same, the neural network of the waves clarity VX plugin has given millions of vocal sounds to learn their patterns and perform noise reduction. So, having a neural network option increases the plugin’s ability. But it has three modes. Let me give you important information about these modes.

Broad 1:

The neural network broad 1 mode focuses on a wide range of frequencies. It maintains a balance between noise and the desired sound. It typically focuses on the mid-range frequencies to remove noise from them. Most producers or vocalists use this mode while recording if they feel any noise in their room. So, this plugin’s basic mode is designed to remove slight noise.

Broad 2 :

Broad 2 is similar to Broad 1, but it is rather extreme. Mode 1 of the wave clarity VX is focused on the mid-frequencies, but it is focused on the different frequencies. It removes the noise from the vocals, but it may harm them if it is overused. This model is designed for severe noise reduction.

Broad HF:

If your recording has noise on the higher frequencies, the broad HF will tackle this problem by focusing on them. This mode also can add some details to the vocals. It is ideal for the podcasters and singers.

Broad ECO:

Broad ECO is the mode designed for computers that can’t handle the waves clarity VST if opened multiple times. This mode will lighten your PC burden, but you may have to compromise on the noise reduction quality.

Width Control of the Waves Clarity VX pro :

As the names show, the width control allows the user to manipulate the stereo image of the input signal after processing. The width control of the Waves clarity VX pro can make your vocal stereo and also the mono. It depends upon the settings. If you increase its value, then the stereo image will be increased. If you decrease its value, your input signal will become less stereo or completely mono. It depends upon to how much extent you decrease its value. In short, you can also affect your stereo image within the Waves plugin.

Waves Clarity VX pro-Free Download:

Sign in to the official website of the Waves plugins, and the company will give me access to the Waves Clarity VX pro-Free Download. The company gives you this plugin on a trial basis. You can try this plugin for 14 for free, and after you will have to purchase it if you want to use it further. On the other hand, there is no free Download for a lifetime.

Tips and Tricks for the clarity VX:

  • If you don’t have a professional studio and want to record your vocals crystal clear. Then try to record your vocal in extreme silence. Then, use the waves clarity VX. Most make mistakes by overusing this plugin. Don’t overuse it if you feel there is a lot of noise in the audio. Then you should use 3 to 4 plugins on your vocal, each having moderate or low reduction settings. If you put only one plugin and turn its main reduction knob to 100 percent, then you may face some unnatural results.
  • I have listed the broad modes above in this article. You should experiment with these broad modes to find which fits you best. Most people don’t pay any heed to the broad modes.
  • After you have finished noise reduction with this plugin, you should check the original input by disabling it. This way, you will know how much noise is removed. If you feel that the plugin is damaging the quality of the input signal, then you must apply EQ before using the plugin to manually suppress those frequencies.
  • If your input signal contains a lot of noise, you should process it in mono, as this plugin focuses more on mono input signals.
  • If your input signal has harsh high frequencies, you should use the de Esser plugin before the Waves Clarity plugin. This way, Clarity VX has to work less, and it will give natural results.
  • Use the Broad ECO mode if the waves clarity VX pro consumes much of your PC.
  • It’s important to remember that wave clarity VX is not the magic that can clean your input signal, no matter how noisy. This plugin tries to clean the sound as much as possible, but you should also try to record your vocal or any other element carefully. Don’t rely solely on Clarity VX to fix poor recordings.

Waves Clarity VX Alternatives :

Clarity VX is a good plugin with AI support. It has an advanced algorithm for noise removal. Here are some Waves Clarity VX alternatives. I have listed both paid and free ones.

Free Alternatives:

  • Audacity (built-in noise reduction tools)
  • MLVPROC (open-source VST plugin)
  • ReaFIR (free with REAPER DAW)
  • Ocenaudio (built-in noise reduction tools)
  • GoldWave (free trial, noise reduction features)
  • NoiseTorch (online noise reduction tool)

Paid Alternatives (VST Plugins):

  • iZotope RX (various editions)
  • RX Elements by iZotope
  • Acon Digital DeNoise 2
  • Klevgrand Brusfri
  • Oeksound Soothe2
  • Zynaptiq RX Loudness Control
  • MBL Weiss DeEsser
  • Little Labs Untamed (primarily for guitar noise reduction)
  • FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (EQ can be used for some noise reduction)
  • bx_dynEQ V3 (EQ with dynamic noise reduction features)
  • Sonnox Oxford SuprEsser (professional)
  • Cedar Audio Noise Reduction (professional hardware/software)
  • izotope Nectar (includes noise reduction features)
  • Waves NS1 (noise reduction for specific use cases)
  • Sennheiser Voice Remover (for removing vocals from a mix)
  • Dialogue De-noise by Accusonus (subscription-based)
  • Aphex Parallel Aural Exciter (can be used for specific noise reduction tasks)
  • Waves Ovox Vocal Remover (for removing vocals from a mix)

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