Hello folks, Low end is time-consuming for every producer. The main problems with the low back are Muddiness, Lack of Punch, Phase Cancellation, and Boominess, and sometimes producers face other sub-bass issues.
Denise Audio is a famous name in music production. Recently, this company has released a plugin called Bass XXL.
Today, I will discuss the Denise Audio – Bass XXL. Let me give you some basic information about this plugin. This plugin can be helpful for the production of crisps in low-frequency areas.
If used properly, this plugin can give you good results by making your low end more crisp and thick, which will pump up from your speakers.
This was the basic overview of Denise Audio – Bass XXL, and now Loopstorrent wants to give some introduction to the Denise Audio company.
Table of Contents :
Introduction of Denise Audio by Looptorrent
Denise Audio is a VST developer company that produces music production plugins. This company’s main identity is that it produces plugins at an affordable rate. Besides the Bass XXL, Denise Audio made many other plugins listed below.
- Bass XXL
- Bad tape 2
- Bad tape
- God Mode
This is the list of plugins. In this blog post, I will discuss the bass XXL. So, without wasting any time, let’s get started.
What the Bass XXL does to your mix Loopstorrent
Bass XXL by Denise Audio is the plugin that generates the harmonics, adds crispiness to the low end of the sound, and makes the low-end sound like some expensive analog hardware has been used.
In the early days, people mainly bought old analog hardware for this purpose. This plugin also captures some of the quality characteristics of analog hardware. Loops torrent has described its features in detail in the points listed below.
Main Features :
- This plugin uses a proprietary algorithm.
- This proprietary algorithm lets the plugin create harmonics above the root frequency. This algorithm can help make the bass stand out in small devices like earbuds, radios, mobiles, etc., which cannot produce sub-bass because of their limited spectrum.
- This plugin is designed for those music producers who and their audiences love the bass in their music. The Denise audio XXL plugin Loopstorrent can be helpful to make the sound of drums, bass lines, and other bass elements punchier and boomy.
- This tries to process the low-end area transparently.
- This plugin lets users fine-tune their low end according to the song’s key.
- The plugin also provides a visual representation of dry and wet signals, which helps you see what the plugin is doing to your mix. Which area is problematic, and which one is fine? This visual representation is given in the form of a spectrum.
- The plugin is CPU-friendly.
- This plugin also provides zero latency. It means any knob you turn on the plugin; you will hear the change in results at that time.
- The main problem with bass and sub-bass is that they sound better in the car or on any device except the studio monitors. Denise Audio has kept this problem in mind and developed this plugin to tackle it.
- This plugin doesn’t cause any phase problems in the mix.
- This plugin’s production concept takes advantage of the psychoacoustic phenomenon, which makes our brain hear sub-bass audio primarily based on its harmonics, more so than the lowest sounds produced.
Detailed Overview of the Denise Audio Bass XXL Plugin:
In this section of the article, I will tell the function of every knob present on the interface of the plugin. After reading this section of my article, you will be able to know how to use this plugin.
I will also list the technical information. so without further ado, Let’s get started.
Function of Root Knob :
The low-end elements in our mix are also naturally tuned to some frequency. To boost them, we must strengthen their fundamentals. Finding the key of those bass elements is necessary.
This way, we can precisely boost or lower them according to our tastes. Here comes in the role of the root knob of this plugin.
The root knob in the Denise audio plugin helps us to select the root note which is to be boosted or degraded.
In this way, it makes the plugin infect the specific area of the spectrum, which can bring accurate results. Here is the visual representation of this knob.
You can also choose the target frequency, note, and midi to tell the plugin to work on it.
Function of the Harmonics Knob :
The harmonics knob in the plugin helps the user to set the intensity of the harmonic generation. The higher the value you select, the more harmonics will be produced by this plugin or vice versa.
The plugin generates these additional harmonics musically rather than randomly. Here is the visual representation of this knob.
As you can see that there is a switch to the bottom of the harmonics knob. This switch is named ” OVS.” By turning this on, you will be in oversampling mode.
Oversampling is a technique used in many digital plugins. This technique increases the sample rate of the input signal. The main goals of the oversampling technique are given below.
- In digital processing, the sound’s high frequency can be degraded to a noticeable extent, resulting in poor quality. This condition is known as aliasing in music production technology. ThOversampling helps to minimize this risk
Function of Boost Knob :
As the name shows, the boost knob is concerned with increasing something. As I am talking about the bass plugin, so boost knob in this plugin adds separate layer harmonics to the original bass foundation of your sound.
The good thing about this plugin is that it does affect the original bass content. It adds a layer of harmonics parallel to the original bass signal of the sound. The higher value you choose for this boost knob, the more amount of harmonics will be generated.
To the bottom of this boost knob, there is a switch type option named a solo. By turning this on, the user can hear the harmonics generated by this plugin.
In this condition, the plugin mutes the signal and lets the user hear the harmonics. In this way, the user can decide how much harmonics he wants.
Further Customization with the Denise Audio – Bass XXL:
In the above section of the article, I provided a detailed technical overview of the plugin. In this section, I will discuss the additional customization users can do with the Denise audio bass xxl plugin.
At the bottom of the plugin, there are four additional knobs. With the help of this knob, you can also manipulate your sound. Here is the visual representation of these knobs.
Let’s discuss how these controls can be used.
Let’s discuss how these controls can be used.
Pre Delay :
The word delay means late. The pre-delay knob tells the plugin how much time it should start its action after the audio is played.
For example, if you are processing a loop of audio for about 10 seconds, your delay is set at 2 seconds. So when you play the audio in your daw, the signal goes to the plugin, but the plugin will not process the sound immediately.
It will process the sound after the 2 seconds because of the pre-delay function. This control is mainly used to preserve the sound’s transients.
Mono :
The mono knob in the Denise audio bass xxl plugin turns the stereo signal into mono while preserving its stereo characteristics.
Even experienced producers and mixing engineers suggest that the bass be mono; otherwise, it will sound different on different devices.
Slope :
The slope knob shapes the harmonics. If you choose the low value of this knob, then the plugin will add the harmonics smoothly, and if you choose the high value, then the plugin will surgically add the harmonics to the input signal.
Range :
The range knob determines how many octaves the harmonic should be generated. A higher value of this knob will make the plugin create harmonics at the higher octaves, which will be more audible or vice versa.
Applications and Use Cases of Denise Audio Bass XXL VST :
The applications and use cases of this plugin are given below.
Bassline Improvement :
This plugin can improve a song’s bassline, as its main function is to add harmonics to the low end.
Sub-Bass :
This plugin can also improve sub-bass. It adds harmonics based on the fundamental frequency. , so it can make the sub-bass and out in appliances that generate bass or sub-bassMixing
Mixing :
Although this plugin boosts bass, it can also play a central role in the mixing.
Mastering :
While mastering a song, the mastering engineers also add their final touches to the track’s low end. This plugin can also polish the low end of the master track in the song.
Sound Design :
This plugin can also act as a starting point in designing a complex bass sound. You can also add the low end to different sounds like impacts, wooshes, etc. These effects are mainly used in film scoring and sometimes in songs.
Alternatives :
Here is the list of the plugins that can be alternatives to the Denise audio bass xxl plugin.
- Waves Renaissance Bass
- MaxxBass by Waves
- Lowender by reFuse Software
- FabFilter Saturn 2
- Soundtoys Decapitator
- Plugin Alliance Black Box HG-2
- XLN Audio RC-20 Retro Color
- iZotope Trash 2
- PSP VintageWarmer2
- MeldaProduction MMultiBandSaturator
- Native Instruments Supercharger GT
- Softube Saturation Knob
- Sonnox Oxford Inflator
- Kush Audio Omega 458A
- Klanghelm SDRR
- AudioThing Valve Filter VF-1
- Boz Digital Labs Big Clipper
- Kilohearts Disperser
- D16 Group Decimort 2
Technical Details & System Requirements :
- Version: 1.0
- Developed by the company Denise Audio
- Bit:86/64bit
- Format: VST/VST3/AAX
- System requirements: Win 7+ or any updated version of Windows can also work.
- Size: 6.5 MB